- 《be ~》死刑{しけい}に相当{そうとう}する殺人罪{さつじんざい}で告発{こくはつ}されている
charged with capital murder 意味
- "charged with aiding" 意味
- "charged with an important task" 意味
- "charged with assault" 意味
- "charged with attempting to pervert the course of justice" 意味
- "charged with bribery" 意味
- "charged with complicity in a plot" 意味
- "charged with complicity in the smuggling operation" 意味
- "charged with computer crime" 意味
- "charged with conspiracy to kill" 意味
- "charged with attempting to pervert the course of justice" 意味
- "charged with bribery" 意味
- "charged with complicity in a plot" 意味
- "charged with complicity in the smuggling operation" 意味